Many people are looking for a way to make money from home to supplement their income.
There are two ways.
Home based job
Data entry jobs
Proof reading jobs
Article writing jobs
Expertise advice jobs
Programming jobs
Web development jobs
School college student’s assignment jobs
Graphic jobs
Online help /support jobs
Social problem’s solution jobs
Email checking and reply jobs
You can find these types of companies by searching the internet for work at home websites. Please remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. If an ad says that you can make thousands of dollars in a week, be aware. More than likely they will ask for money. A legit company will not ask you to pay for a work from home “job".
That brings us to home-based businesses.
Home based business
Internet marketing
Have your own website and earn money
Sell e-books
Sell product on internet
Sell every thing what you have, even your advice
For home based /business, it is not mandatory that you are computer profession. If you have any skill/hobby you can earn money by this hobby.